🎉 NEW: SocketLabs Spotlight Email Analytics Now Uses Machine-learning to Surface INSIGHT, Not Just Data. Read More!
🎉 NEW: SocketLabs Spotlight Email Analytics Now Uses Machine-learning to Surface INSIGHT, Not Just Data. Read More!

Guides & eBooks

You CAN Control Your Senders: Low Engagement

Email service providers have a unique challenge: supporting senders while protecting their own email ecosystem. Unfortunately, not all senders are on the same page about using best practices to improve performance for themselves and their fellow customers. Get the tools you need to set senders on the right path with confidence using real data, scenarios, and convincing evidence to bolster your arguments for better email practices.

Email Performance Red Flag Survival Kit

Never miss an email performance warning signal ever again with our survival kit, featuring an in-depth guide, checklists, expert advice from the email community, and so much more!

Build or Buy?

Choosing the right kind of sending platform is serious business.

Do you want to buy or build your own sending infrastructure?