The Complete Guide to Email Authentication, Part 6

This is part 6 of an 8 part series on Email Authentication, to go to part one click here. DomainKeys Identifed Mail (DKIM) DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is the successor to Yahoo DomainKeys. Being very similar in functionality to DomainKeys, DKIM has additionally adopted aspects from Cisco’s Identified Internet Mail standard (IIM), and the result […]

The Complete Guide to Email Authentication, Part 5

This is part 5 of an 8 part series on Email Authentication, to go to part one click here. DomainKeys DomainKeys is a domain-level authentication standard that uses public/private key encryption, DNS, and multiple policies to prove the legitimacy and contents of an email message. It verifies the domain used in the “from” or “sender” header. […]

What Port Does SMTP Use?

What Port Does SMTP Use

Port 25 is registered for SMTP, meaning it’s the only port to use for email that is being transmitted from server to server…

What is an SMTP Server?

An SMTP server is a lot like any other server but it is highly specialized in the ability to process and deliver outbound email.

The Complete Guide to Email Authentication, Part 4

This is part 4 of an 8 part series on Email Authentication, to go to part one click here. Sender ID Framework (Sender ID) Very similar to SPF version 1 is SPF 2.0, more commonly known as Sender ID. Sender ID works on the same principles as SPF, with the exception that it not only has […]

The Complete Guide to Email Authentication, Part 3

This is part 3 of an 8 part series on Email Authentication, to go to part one click here. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) For purposes of clarification, the term SPF used in this section refers to SPFv1 or SPF Classic. SPF 2.0 will be discussed in the next section under Sender ID. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) […]