What is CCPA: Everything You Need to Know

With January 1, 2020 approaching quickly, its important to know what is CCPA and how it will impact your business moving forward…
Email Campaign Analytics That Make a Difference

How can you determine the effectivness of your high volume email without the proper email campaign analytics to guide your…
Is Email Marketing Effective?

Bad email practices have left businesses and consumers wondering if email marketing is still effective. The simple answer is…
The Future of Email: Is Email Still Relevant?

Advancements in modern communication technology have left people questioning the relevance of email. In this blog we will cover what the future of email actually looks like…
Using Email to Drive a Better Customer Experience [With Real Examples]

Most people wouldnt consider email a part of their customer experience strategy, those people should think again…
7 Ways to Master Your Customer Service Experience

Master your customer service experience with these 7 tips from customer experience expert and CEO Lindsay Willott…