Build, Buy…Diversify!

Build buy or diversify with a mailbox with 3 types of mail going in.

By now, after reading our Build or Buy eBook, which you most certainly did (right?), you likely have a good understanding of the nuance between building or buying your email infrastructure.  If you didn’t read it, it’s no biggie – we’ll give you a quick primer here but strongly encourage you get the full run-down […]

Read Our New eBook: Build or Buy!

New eBook Build or Buy

We recently launched our newest product for email service providers using our cloud sending platform: advanced infrastructure management tools. But for some, sending infrastructures can be complex and the prospect of adding more data and options on top of it can be overwhelming.  It’s kind of like entering the real estate market, where your options […]

Is Your Sending Infrastructure Prepared for Uncertain Times?

I don’t need to tell you we are living in never-ending “uncertain times.” Things change rapidly, be it in your industry, the economy, or even the world at large. Remember COVID-19 and how it is lasting for 20 years? Maybe it just feels like it…  Regardless of what is going on around you, email is […]

Why We Built a Product for ESPs

If you missed our announcement last week, the title of this post might seem a little strange: an email service provider (ESP) building a product for other ESPs? Well, lots of ESPs rely on another ESP’s sending infrastructure to support the email activities of the hundreds or thousands of individual senders using their platform to […]