Hurricane MTA Server Update Includes 64bit Support and More!

The blog has been kind of quiet lately but we’ve been VERY busy at work. If you haven’t noticed there have been many improvements to SocketLabs On-Demand over the past months including a new interface with beautiful reporting, a new API and many other new and improved user-friendly features. On-Premise customers don’t worry, we have been working hard on Hurricane MTA Server too.

Hurricane MTA Server is more important to us than ever now, since we are using it to power our SocketLabs On-Demand solution. This has led to several innovations and improvements in Hurricane MTA Server. Lately we have been working under-the-hood, strengthening the foundation of Hurricane MTA Server for future growth and leverage.

The latest production release of Hurricane MTA Server was pushed out quietly earlier this month but contained some really big improvements including:

  • Support for running natively in 64-bit mode now allows Hurricane MTA Server access to much more RAM, increasing performance dramatically.
  • Fully upgraded the backend statistical database to further increase its performance and scalability.
  • Totally replaced the internals of the bounce and failure processing and analysis to provide much more accurate and specific bounce and failure codes.

Each of these items were a massive undertaking for us in their own right and we have been working on them for over a year. It is really great to finally see them come to fruition.

Follow John Alessi on Twitter: @johnalessi