Their health, your email.

When you’re a healthcare system with multiple sites, specialities, and types of email to distribute across audiences, email risks are not as small as they may seem. With our platform, you’ll have total visibility over every little thing to ensure everyone is in sync with their providers, from individualized care to health marketing to location updates. 

Reliable, painless email

StreamMonitor allows you to monitor email performance across all subaccounts and offers issue priority scoring so you can identify accounts most in need of help first and receive next-step guidance within a few clicks.

Triage discoveries

Healthcare systems are complex and are no means low-stakes communications. With multiple brands, specialities, locations, and systems, you need to ensure all mail gets delivered. Our StreamMonitor dashboard gives you a full overview of all sending activity from every subaccount.


You’ll see each sender’s StreamScore, which is our proprietary reputation score built on more than 25 internal and external performance signals. They’re color-coded, too, so you can easily locate any subaccount needing attention and prioritize based on risk.

Diagnose quickly

We can get you to from account overview to granular causes of one subaccount’s struggles in less than five clicks.


By clicking into the subaccount, you will immediately see Guided Insights, which provides data on four very important elements of sender reputation. Sign-up policies on your system-wide portal are leading to too many bounces for Yahoo’s liking? We’ll tell you how to fix it.

VIP Guest
SocketLabs' email platform provides deep insight into performance so you can spot issues with ease.
SocketLabs Email Platform allows you to spot delivery issues with StreamMonitor and then create rules to optimize future delivery using Rule Engine.

Treat easily

Guided Insights not only pinpoints the problem, but it will give you tailored advice to treat the problem. If you find a regional hospital chain is sending mail to too many unengaged addresses, Guided Insights will encourage you to clean those lists.


Using the direction provided, you as the hospital system can not only address this problem at the regional level, but across all subaccounts to better ensure delivery for every type of mail.

Prevent relapse

Curing a problem once doesn’t mean it is cured forever. Our Rule Engine tool allows you to create automated rules to route and handle mail without manual intervention. You don’t even need to know code to create them.


Let’s say you want to want all marketing mail from all subaccounts to be sent via one IP. Using parameters of your choice, Rule Engine will immediately segment that mail to the appropriate place to insulate more critical mail from any reputation problems from other streams in near-real-time.

StreamMonitor allows you to monitor email performance across all subaccounts and offers issue priority scoring so you can identify accounts most in need of help first and receive next-step guidance within a few clicks.

Hospitals, patients, and everything in between

Get support your brands, locations, practitioners, and patients need to successfully communicate the things that really matter.

This proprietary score uses more than 25 data points to provide a color-coded reputation indicator.

Get particular advice to resolve issues at all levels of your healthcare system’s email practice.

An account-level overview provides a comprehensive look at all mailstreams, StreamScores, and urgent issues to resolve.

Segment mail by type, reputation, or brand to safeguard and improve performance across each one.

What customers say about us

"SocketLabs is clearly driven by customer success and has become a trusted partner of"
"It was like a breath of fresh air having something that we could plug into in our environment, and make a few customizations, and be up and running in the blink of an eye."
"We should have transitioned a long time ago. With SocketLabs, we're not just a number. I've got the name of a person I can ring up if I've got a problem."
"We always want to be at the forefront of the marketing automation world, and SocketLabs helps us do that."
"We've been working together for at least 8 years, and we wouldn't trust anybody else with our email delivery."
Lindsay Willott
CEO, Customer Thermometer
"Ultimately, we realized that email is an incredibly specialized area requiring dedicated, expert resources. We saw vast improvement after switching to SocketLabs’ managed email service."

We have on-call resources.